Major Activity

Call for Open Competition for Logo Designing for UNESCO Category 2 Centre (C2C) on World Natural Heritage Management and Training for Asia and the Pacific Region

 Last Date of Submission of Entry: 30/06/2015

Send your entries to 



The C2C at WII is the first centre globally to be established dealing with World Natural Heritage. The Centre's mission is to strengthen implementation of the World Heritage Convention in Asia and the Pacific Region by building the capacity of all those professionals and bodies involved with world natural heritage site inscription, protection, conservation and management in Asia and the Pacific region, through training, research, dissemination of information and network building.

The overall objective is to focus on natural heritage conservation issues with the aim to:

  • Contribute to the strengthening of capacities in the management of World Natural  Heritage in the region;
  • Contribute to achieving a more balanced representation of properties from Asia and the Pacific on the World Heritage List;
  • Raise awareness among the general public and the youth in particular of the importance of World Natural  Heritage and the need to protect it; and
  • Foster international cooperation on World Natural Heritage initiatives.
  • Facilitate World Heritage educational and awareness building activities for various stakeholders.
  • Undertake research and/or monitoring of important world heritage issues including an assessment of key biodiversity indicators for World Heritage sites;
  • Serve as a central hub to collect, collate and disseminate information including best practices for the better conservation of World Natural  Heritage properties

About World Heritage:

Heritage is our legacy from the past, what we live with today, and what we pass on to future generations.

Our cultural and natural heritages are both irreplaceable sources of life and inspiration. They are our touchstones, our points of reference, our identity.

What makes the concept of World Heritage exceptional is its universal application. World Heritage sites belong to all the peoples of the world, irrespective of the territory on which they are located.

Natural Heritage, by which countries recognize that the sites located on their national territory, and which have been inscribed on the World Heritage List, without prejudice to national sovereignty or ownership, constitute a world heritage ‘for whose protection it is the duty of the international community as a whole to cooperate’. Without the support of other countries, some of the world’s outstanding cultural and natural sites would deteriorate or, worse, disappear, often through lack of funding to preserve them. The Convention is thus an agreement, ratified almost universally, that aims to secure the necessary financial and intellectual resources to protect World Heritage sites.

For more information please visit web links given below:

Suggested web links:


Guidelines for the preparation of Logo


Name              :           UNESCO Category 2 Centre on World Natural Heritage Management

 and Training for Asia and the Pacific Region (A suitable ACRONYM can

be suggested)

Theme             :           Natural Heritage (Water, Mountain, Flora/Fauna, Seascapes).

Geography      :           Asia-Pacific region (

Colour             :           Blue, Green, Black, (Orange, which is the colour theme for C2C

 Brochure available at  )

Others             :           Human element

Overall            :           UNESCO spirit

Technical Requirements:

The following technical specifications are required for the logo:

  • We will accept the logo designs only in vector based drawing graphic format (EPS, PDF, SVG or AI)
  • CMYK file for the printed file formats so that there are no issues with colour combination while printing.
  • Please supply the specific font used or convert all fonts in to outline art work prior to sending us the design/file.
  • Please provide logo in Colour and Black and White (Greyscale) Version.

Other Terms and Conditions

  • The logo will be used online, in print, and on merchandise. The logo should visually capture in a simple, appealing and exciting way the message behind the UNESCO C2C.
  •   Flexibility is a key requirement, including the need to resize easily and to look good in black and white, as well as in colour. The final version of the logo will need to be suitable for high quality printing.
  • Participants should ensure that their submissions are their original work and have not yet been previously used for any other purpose by any other entity.
  • Any fonts, image and any other design elements used in the logos must be free from Copyright.
  • Entrants must be willing to work with UNESCO C2C for further improvement in the logo. These improvements will include, but not limited to, minor tweaks and recreating the logo.

Prize:    Winner of the competition will be awarded by cash prize of Rs. 7500/- (Rs. Seven Thousand Five Hundred) only.

Procedure of Selection: A three-member committee nominated by the Director, Wildlife Institute of India will select the best design, which will be approved by the Director WII.  The Committee/Director, WII may select, reject or request for modification in the selected logo.  A 100 words write up about the design should be enclosed with each entry.

Other Information:

The following information should be sent with each entry:

Full Name                    :

Postal Address             :

Email                           :

Telephone/Mobile No :

Last Date of Submission of Entries: 30/ 06/ 2015

Entries can be sent at

There is no entry fee for this competition.

Participant (s) can submit ONLY one design (entry). 

Results will be announced at WII ( ) /UNESCO C2C website.

Copyright Protection: Winning entry shall be the property of the UNESCO C2C Centre. Due credit will be given for winning entry.

No enquiry will be entertained after the submission of entry.

Director WII reserves the right to reject any entry without any reason and his decision shall be final in this regard.