Advertisement No. WII/Res/Prof. Emeritus/B.5 (A)
Contractual Engagement of Project Assistant
The Wildlife Institute of India wishes to engage the services of two Project Assistants on contract basis initially for a period of three years which is extendable depending upon the performance of the candidate and on requirement of the project. The Essential Qualification (EQ), Desirable Qualification (DQ) and other details are as under:-
Engagement Positions
Project Assistant - (Two position)
Essential Qualification
B.Sc. (Life Sciences) with minimum 55% aggregate marks.
Desirable Qualification
(a) Computer skills of MS Office.
(b) Should have ability to visit Wildlife Areas for collection of data as required by Professor Emeritus and
(c) Should have lab analysis skills.
Below 30 years as on last date fixed for the receipt of applications.
Rs 8,000/- (Consolidated) per month.
Job Requirement: Project Assistant is required to help and collect field data from Wildlife areas as well as assist in lab analysis.
Method of Recruitment:
(i) Skill test (50 marks): A written test of one hour will be conducted for qualified candidate meeting essential qualifications comprising of ‘Essay Writing’ and skills cum proficiency test in computer viz. MS Office, Internet, email.
(ii) Interview (50 marks): First 10 candidates who qualify the skill cum proficiency test (in order of merit) i.e. marks obtained in the skill test will be called for interview before the Institute Selection Committee.
The offer of contractual engagement will be given to the candidates who secure highest marks by combining the marks of written test and interview.
Last date of Receipt of Application
The last date of receipt of application is 15th December, 2014. The application as per proforma provided in Annexure-1 may be sent by post /courier or by hand to the Administrative Officer, Wildlife Institute of India, Chandrabani, Dehradun 248001. The applications received late i.e. after 15th December 2014 will not be considered by the Institute.
No TA/DA will be paid for attending the test and interview.
The Director, WII, reserves the right to reject any/or all applications without assigning any reasons.
(Administrative Officer)
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