The Wildlife Institute of India (WII) is a premier national institution working towards strengthening Wildlife Conservation and Management through research, training and education. The Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India, is implementing the National Mission for Sustaining Himalayan Ecosystem (NMSHE) programme through national institutions which are nodal agencies for different Task Forces. WII has been identified as the nodal agency for the Task Force on Fauna and Micro Flora and will be implementing a 5 year project (2014-15 to 2019-2020) ‘Assessment and Monitoring of Climate Change Effects on Wildlife Species and Ecosystems for Developing Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies in the Indian Himalayan Region’ under NMSHE.
WII is looking for bright candidates from Biological & Environmental Sciences / Physical Sciences/ Statistics/ Geo-informatics/ Social Sciences/ Engineering backgrounds for filling up of Project Scientists 03 (three) posts on contractual basis (Scientist-C level), Project Associates 04 (four) posts, Project Fellows 08 (eight) posts, and Project Assistants 08 (eight) posts for the project duration. In addition to the above, Project Interns (up to 10 positions /year) for periods ranging from 03 to 06 months will also be engaged. Applications are invited from the citizens of India who are willing to contribute innovative ideas and undertake research to address the emerging challenges of climate change impacts on biodiversity as per details given below.
Name of Position, Number of Positions and Emoluments
Essential Qualifications
Desirable Qualifications^
Project Scientist
(C level)
03 (Three) positions
Rs. 57,500/month consolidated
M.Sc./M.Tech. in Life Sciences / Forestry/ Geoinformatics/ Geology/ Environmental Sciences/ Soil Science/ Computer Application/ Statistics/ Mathematics/ Hydrology/ Earth and Atmospheric Sciences or related fields with THREE YEARS experience.
Ph.D. in any of the above fields
Expertise/knowledge in (a) climatic change analysis and multi-scale modelling involving earth and atmospheric sciences;
(b) experience in spatial analysis and ecological modelling involving advance statistical and visualization tools; demonstrated computational skills
(c) Experience in anthropogenic/ climate change impacts on wildlife species and their habitats in the Himalaya or stream ecology and hydrology modelling.
Research publications in peer-reviewed national/international journals
Project Associate*
04 (Four) positions
Rs. 24,000 pm + HRA
Ph.D. in Life Sciences / Forestry/ Geoinformatics/ Geography/ Geology/ Environmental Sciences/ Soil Science/ Sociology/ Anthropology/ Computer Application/ Statistics/ Mathematics/ Hydrology/ Earth and Atmospheric Sciences/Architecture /Mass Communication or related fields.
Three years of research, teaching, design and development experience after M.Tech./M.E.
Expertise/aptitude in (a) project design and coordination of multi-disciplinary project team; OR Field data collection for plant, fish, herpetofauna, insect, bird, and mammal taxa, soil and statistical analyses; (b) Management of spatial database, Remote Sensing and GIS analysis; (c) Advance computer application and visualization; Computational ecology and predictive modelling;
(d) Design and data collection for analyzing anthropogenic drivers; and Popular science writing and communication skills.
At least one research paper in Science Citation Indexed (SCI) Journal.
Project Fellow**
(Research Fellow)
08 (Eight) positions
Rs. 16,000/month + HRA (JRF-2 years)
Rs/ 18,000/month + HRA (SRF-3 years)
(After two years & fulfilling requirements)
Post Graduate Degree in Life Sciences / Fisheries Science/Forestry/ Geoinformatics/ Geography/ Geology/ Environmental Sciences/ Soil Science/ Sociology/ Anthropology/ Computer Application/ Statistics/ Mathematics/ Hydrology/ Earth and Atmospheric Sciences/Architecture /Mass Communication or related fields with a minimum of 60% aggregate marks from a recognized University and NET/GATE/WII-NET qualified.
Post Graduate Degree in Professional Courses relevant to the above subjects
Prior experience and interest in (a) field data collection for plant including micro flora, fish, herpetofauna, insect, bird, and mammal taxa; (b) Vegetation /habitat quantification in the Himalayan system; (c) Camera trap based sampling and analysis; (d) Riverine ecology and fish sampling; (e) Remote Sensing and GIS; (f) Interoperable spatial database and spatial statistics (g) Hydrology and climate modelling; (h) Environmental Impact Assessment of developmental projects on wildlife values
Science writing and communication skills
Project Assistant*
08 (Eight) positions
(Five for field and Three for Lab/Office)
Rs. 8,000/month + HRA
Post Graduate Degree (Life Sciences/ Forestry/ Geoinformatics/ Environmental Sciences/ Sociology/ Computer Application/ Economics/ Business Administration/ Mass Communication)
Graduate/Post Graduate Degree in Professional Courses relevant to above subjects.
Experience/interest in field data collection for biological taxa and socioeconomic survey;
Computer applications and account management;
Communication strategies.
Project Interns* #
10 (Ten) positions/ Year of 3 to 6 months
Bachelor/Master degree/Diploma in Biological/ Physical/Engieering/Social Sciences)
Aptitude and interest in undertaking field or lab based studies on various topics pertaining to this project for dissertation, attachment or experience gaining
* The emoluments indicated above for Project Associates, Project Fellows and Project Assistants are pre-revised and are likely to be amended as per DST rules. Project Interns will be provided with local travel and a basic allowance to cover meals.
** NET/GATE/WII-NET or equivalent qualified candidates would be awarded Junior Research Fellowship in line with DST norms, while otherwise competent/suitable candidates would be provided stipend of Rs. 12,000/month and likely to be amended as per WII norms. Only Project Fellows (JRF/SRF) would be encouraged to pursue higher academic degrees as per WII rules.
^ Candidates with knowledge or aptitude for working on multi-taxa, experience or interest for working in multidisciplinary research projects, experience or ability for working in a team or independently in remote high altitude areas and in arduous field conditions would be preferred.
# Candidates interested in gaining field/lab experience are encouraged to apply. Only those candidates interested in availing the internship for the period January 2015 to December 2015 may apply. The selection will be based on application submitted in prescribed format.