Upcoming Event

XIV Wildlife and Environment Quiz as part of Wildlife Week celebration 2016 on 1st October, 2016

Every year WII-ENVIS Centre celebrates ‘Wildlife Week’ by organizing quiz completion among the selected children from various local schools. This year Institute is also organizing ‘XIV Inter-School Wildlife and Environment Quiz’ - a collaborative activity of Wildlife Institute of India and Friends Of The Doon Society (FODS) on October 1, 2016 at Wildlife Institute of India part of Wildlife Week 2016 celebration. Winning team will be awarded (i). WII-FODS Rolling Trophy and Book Prize and (ii). "Sameer Ghosh Memorial Nature and Wildlife Prize" Rolling Trophy by the Chief Guest.


For more details, kindly send mails to Event Coordinators:


Dr. Abhijit Das


Wildlife Institute of India,

Chandrabani, Dehradun

Email: abhijit@wii.gov.in

Tel. 0135-2646 205 (Off.);

Mob.: 09412030187;

Fax: 0135 2640 117