ENVIS-Resource Partner Wildlife Institute of India, Dehradun is organizing 'Ozone Short Story' and Poster Making contest to celebrate World Ozone Day on 16th September 2021.
A. Short Story Theme: 'My Earth, My Ozone'; Eligibility Criteria- Must be a Student, from class 10th to 12th.
B. Poster Making Contest Theme: "MONTREAL PROTOCOL - KEEPING US, OUR FOOD AND VACCINES COOL"; Eligibility Criteria- Must be a Student, from class 5th to 9th.
Submit your entries via the link https://forms.gle/Dhxau1nxom9FdhWJ9 on or before 05:30 pm on 16 September 2021. Top 3 Winners in each event would be awarded Merit Certificates and Prizes. E-Certificates would be sent to all participants. The last date for the submission of entries is 16 September 2021 by 17:30 Hrs. The results would be declared via our Facebook page, Twitter handle, and Website.
1. Write your Name, Class, and School Name at the bottom right corner of your posters; 2. The same should be uploaded in pdf/ jpeg format; 3. Save the file in this format <<Student Name_Contest Name>> example: AmitKumar_PosterMaking ; 4. The hard copies of your posters should be kept safe for future reference; 5. Short stories and Posters will go through Plagiarism Check; 6. The story should be either in Hindi or English; 7. The maximum character limit allowed is 3000; and 8. Entries without a link to the theme will not be considered for evaluation.