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| Last Updated:: 11/04/2017

Important Knowledge information/ product from other ENVIS Centre and ENVIS Website Users

Important Knowledge information/ product from other ENVIS Centre and ENVIS Website Users

This section contains some important knowledge information/ product produced by other ENVIS Centre in area of flora and fauna conservation in India and also some important facts/ information contributed by the ENVIS Website Users working in area of wildlife conservation.










ENVIS Centre's knowledge information/ product


C.P.R. Environmental Education Centre, Chennai (

C.P.R. Environmental Education Centre is a Centre of Excellence of the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change (MoEF&CC) Government of India, established jointly by the Ministry and the C.P.Ramaswami Aiyar Foundation


Some Important Knowledge information/ product of ENVIS Centre:



ENVIS Centre on Medicinal Plants (

FRLHT is designated as “ENVIS Centre on Medicinal Plants” by MoEF, GoI. Here, we aim to bring awareness about the issues, concerns and experiences related to Indian Medicinal Plants conservation through the website: and quaterly newsletter: Medplant

FRLHT is also a Private University titled “Institute of Trans-Disciplinary Health Sciences and Technology”, as per the special Issue of Karnataka Gazettee notification number: HFW 90 PTD 2013, Government of Karnataka; dated 26/06/2013


Some Important Knowledge information/ product of ENVIS Centre:


  • Encyclopedia on Indian Medicinal Plants : A unique, well-researched, comprehensive database on Indian Medicinal Plants is now available for researchers, academicians, school students, ethnobotanists, conservationists, resource managers, nature enthusiasts. Towards this direction, FRLHT has been developing over the past 20 years a comprehensive database on Indian Medicinal Plants. It covers various subject linked to natural resources used by Indian System of Medicine such as botanical and local names correlation, geo-distribution data, maps, propogation, trade information etc. This is a well referenced dynamic database. It grows based on authentic scientific publications available in the said area. This exclusive and innovative search based database stores 7,637 botanical names (6,198 medicinal plants species) with 119183 vernacular names from 12 languages across India. Nearly 2307 plant images are also available in the database. more...

ENVIS Centre on Eco-labelling and Promotion of Eco-friendly Products (

Consumer Education and Research Centre (CERC) is the leading consumer rights organisation in India. CERC is a non-profit, non- government body, dedicated to the protection and promotion of consumer interests through active use of research, media, law, advocacy and information dissemination. CERC does not belong to any political party, nor does it subscribe to any political ideology. CERC is recognised as a research institute by the Government of India and as a consumer organisation by the Government of Gujarat. The United Nations has recognised CERC as one of the approved non-government organisations. For more information, please visit



Some Important Knowledge information/ product of ENVIS Centre:


What is ecoproduct?

Eco-products literally means earth-friendly or not harmful to the environment. With so many products claiming to be green or environment friendly, it is difficult to know what really constitutes an eco friendly product these days. Whether they are called green products, eco-products, sustainable products or environmentally responsible products, these eco products cause minimal harm to people and the environment. The production and/or consumption of these products have a minimal impact on the environment. Although there are no universal certifications or standards to deem a product as eco-friendly, but there is a number of Eco labeling organizations that have certifications to help us in our search.


In India Centre for Pollution Control Board, Ministry of Environment & Forest has launched the eco-labelling scheme known as `Ecomark' in 1991 for easy identification of environment-friendly products to increase the consumer awareness.


The Product categories covered under Indian Ecomark Scheme:


  • Soaps & Detergents

  • Paper

  • Food Items

  • Lubricating Oils

  • Packaging Materials

  • Architectural Paints and Powder Coatings

  • Batteries

  • Electrical/Electronic Goods

  • Food Additives

  • Wood Substitutes

  • Cosmetics

  • Aerosol Propellants

  • Plastic Products

  • Textiles

  • Fire-extinguisher

  • Leather


For more details please visit


ENVIS Centre on Forestry (

Established as Imperial Forest Research Institute in 1906, Forest Research Institute (FRI) Dehradun, is a premier institution under the Indian Council of Forest Research and Education (ICFRE). Styled in Greeko Roman Architecture by C.G. Blomfield, the main building is a National Heritage which was inaugurated in 1929The Institute's history is vertually synonymous with the evolution and development of scientific forestry, not only in India, but over the entire Indian sub-continent. Set in a lush green estate spread over 450 hectares, with the outer Himalaya forming its back drop, the Institute's main building is an impressive edifice, marrying Greco-Roman and Colonial styles of architecture, with a plinth area of 2.5 equipped laboratories,library, herbarium, arboreta, printing press and experimental field areas for conducting forestry research, quite in keeping with the best of its kind anywhere in the world. Its museums, in addition to being a valuable source of scientific information, are a major attraction for tourists.


Some Important Knowledge information/ product of ENVIS Centre:



ENVIS Centre on Floral Diversity (

The Botanical Survey of India was established on 13th February, 1890 with the basic objective to explore the plant resources of the country and to identify the plant species with economic values. After the retirement of the then British Director in 1939, it remained quiescent till 1953. However, after independence, the Government of India, as a part of scientific development of the country, reorganised the department with objectives (i) to undertake intensive and extensive floristic surveys and collect accurate and detailed information on the occurrence, distribution, ecology and economic utility of plants in the country; (ii) to collect, identify and distribute materials which may be of use to educational and research institutions; (iii) to act as the custodian of authentic collections in well-planned herbaria and (iv) to document the plant resources in the form of Local, District, State and National Floras. For more visit to


Some Important Knowledge information/ product of ENVIS Centre:


CITES Plants

CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered species of wild fauna and flora) is an international treaty aimed to regulate and monitor the international trade in selected species of plants and animals to ensure that it does not endanger the survival of populations in the wild.

International trade in wild animals and plants is worth billions of dollars. The trade varies from live animals and plants to an array of products derived from them. Levels of exploitation of some plant species are high and the trade in them, together with habitat loss, depleted them close to extinction.


As the trade in wild animals and plants takes place across the borders, the effort to regulate it requires international cooperation. CITES was conceived in the spirit of such cooperation. The representatives of 80 countries agreed to the Convention in Washington DC, U.S.A. on 3rd March 1973 and on 1st July 1975 CITES entered in force. Today there are 175 countries that are parties to CITES. CITES accords varying degrees of protection to ca 5,000 species of animals and 29,000 species of plants which are traded as live specimens or as dried or preserved material.


Three appendices are framed by the Convention which include the list of animals and plants subject to strict compliance of regulations of trade according to different degree of threats due to over exploitation from wild. Species are listed by the CITES Parties (countries) at one of three levels of protection (appendices), which have different requirements. These Parties regulate trade in specimens (live and dead) of Appendix- I, II and III species and their hybrids, parts, products and derivatives through a system of permits and certificates (CITES documents. more...


ENVIS Centre: Maharashtra, Status of Environment and Related Issues (

This center is a State Government Centre functioning under Environment Department, Goveronment of Maharahtra, Mumbai.


Some Important Knowledge information/ product of ENVIS Centre:










Contribution of knowledge information/ product from ENVIS Website Users

Bonellis eagle : Monitoring & Conservation (Kedar Dhepe, Email:

The Bonelli's Eagle (Aquila fasciata) a large bird of prey typically found in Mediterranean regions. The Bonelli's eagle is found along the Mediterranean coast, from the Iberian Peninsula to Iran, as well as on the Indian sub-continent and in southern China and Indonesia has become increasingly rare over the twentieth century. Today, its total population is estimated at fewer than 40,000 pairs The Bonelli's eagle is slightly smaller than a Golden eagle. In flight, it is easy to distinguish because of the contrast between its dark wings and its white body with distinctive brown streaks. This eagle has a relatively long life expectancy, living up to 30 years in natural environments. plays a key role as top predator in these natural systems These eagles mainly feed on hares, other birds, reptiles, lizards etc. They play a major role in controlling population of hares and other birds which are also harmful for farmers.. For this reason, this species can be considered as an "umbrella species" and therefore, conservation actions aimed at its protection may also benefit other species in these communities. more... 


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Note: If any, ENVIS website user working in field of wildlife conservation and keen to share their articles/ published publication may send to us. Email: and